Property owners & investors
Our BlueBox product is configured specifically for the owner/investor sector. It lets you structure and report on your portfolios in real time, to help improve your yield.
It also lets you handle transactions and service charges with the same efficiency you’d get from a dedicated managing agent.
As used by three of the UK’s top five property investors.
Key features
Property management
Manage tenant exits, asset marketing, sales and disposals; attach condition surveys, meter readings, etc to units as required.
Lease management
Automatic alert for key diary dates such as lease expiries and rent reviews.
Transaction handling
Automate financial transactions such as email-delivered invoicing, with a management by exception approach to escalation.
Integrated accounts ledgers with budgeting. Front to back service charge management, P&L, balance sheet and cashflow.
Asset management
Stores all the information to need for effective decision making.
Reporting & KPIs
Choose from over 200 standard reports or design the custom report you need.
Intuitive web apps for lease mobilisation, data updates, data entry and verification, self-service financial reports, and supplier and tenant management.