Valuation, appraisal & analysis software for your portfolio

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With this add-on, you can model your core property and lease data to provide useful, actionable insights into your portfolio.
An analyst’s delight, the software provides genuine commercial advantages over lesser systems.
Explore various ‘What If’ scenarios with a single click, without impacting the underlying data.
Store scenarios for future use, or for wider ranging analysis.
Within each valuation, the database also holds all the alternative scenarios that the valuer has saved; best case, worst case and VP scenarios, for example.
With an unlimited number of user-defined property, valuation or unit categories, the program can analyse or report across all of your portfolio, or a sub-group that you define; and it can do it in different currencies, too.
Forecasting and analysis tools for analysts or fund managers
Use your valuation data to provide instant, live reports that explore a wide range of alternative assumptions – without the need to paste anything into spreadsheets.
Whether buying or selling properties, exploring tenant break or failure possibilities, or anticipating changes in market conditions, reports that would otherwise take hours or even days to produce can be generated in minutes.
Once you have specified your desired report parameters, a few button clicks will generate alternative analyses for all or part of your portfolio.
You can vary assumptions such as:
- Purchases and sales during the analysis period
- Entry, interim and exit capitalisation rates
- Refurbishments and other property adjustments
- Market performance
- Loan assumptions, interest changes and effect on LTV
- Anticipated breaks, voids, tenant failures or tenant risk
- Monthly, quarterly or annual cash flows for each property and unit
Reports can include historical data using imported actual valuations, cash flows and capex. Calculated returns are both time and money weighted as well as replicating IPD type calculations.

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Get in touch
Call or email us now on +44 (0)20 7825 1299 for a free, no obligation demonstration. Please note: during the current pandemic all demos are taking place online, via Zoom or MS Teams.