5th July 2018

New Mojo app for clients and investors

Mojo Web app for clients and investors

How often do your clients ask for detailed information about their portfolios or investments?

And once you’ve given it to them, how often do they then come back and ask for more?

We suspect that the answer is, “a lot”. For most property managers, the need to provide their clients with endless reports will occupy a significant chunk of their time.

So you’ll be pleased to hear that Mojo is about to take much of that burden from you.

Our latest Mojo web app is our first enquiry-based mojo product. It’s an online dashboard that displays all the information you want to give your clients, using a range of sophisticated “smart widgets” that you can easily configure yourselves.

This approach empowers your clients and investors: he or she can drill down through the information displayed in the widgets to answer their own questions about their portfolios.

You can also use the app to deliver important documents and periodic reports, thanks to the addition of a really neat “document centre”.

You’ll be pleased to hear that Mojo is about to take much of that burden from you.

Best of all, the dashboard can be custom-designed to match your organisation’s own corporate branding.

The ability to tailor what and how information is displayed gives you a genuine competitive advantage when you come to market your services. Nor do you need to re-apply your branding, or tailor the screen, every time a new upgrade is released. It all just updates effortlessly.

We’ve worked closely with customers of our property management software to shape these latest products.

We think you’ll love them.

ps For this new app, we’ve taken a whole new approach to licencing. You’ll never have to worry about you clients or investors being denied access because you’ve run out of licences. Now, isn’t that a refreshing thought?

Existing Trace clients wanting to see the new app should come along to our next Breakfast Briefing, 8:30 for 9:00am on Thursday July 19th, or sign up to stream the event online.

For further details about the event or the product itself, contact your account manager or email sales@tracesolutions.co.uk.

Get in touch

Get in touch

Call or email us now on ‭+44 (0)20 7825 1299 for a free, no obligation demonstration. Please note: during the current pandemic all demos are taking place online, via Zoom or MS Teams.
